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List all audit legitimates



GET /api/v1/audit/legitimates


  • Authorization required

    Authentication token with privileges to view the resource.

    Bearer {token}

Query string parameters

paginatebooleanNoIf the result must be paginated.
pageintegerYes if paginate is truePage index.
page_sizeintegerYes if paginate is trueNumber of items displayed per page.
legit_idstringNoFilters operations whose legit_id matches the string entered.
legit_id_listarray<string>NoFilters operations whose legit_id matches any of list items.
timestamp_startintegerNoFilters operations performed after the date entered.
timestamp_endintegerNoFilters operations performed before the date entered.
usernamestringNoFilters the operations carried out by the user whose name matches the string entered.
username_listarray<string>NoFilters the operations carried out by the user whose name matches any of the list items.
actionstringNoFilters the operations whose action matches the string entered.
action_listarray<string>NoFilters the operations whose action matches any of the list items.


Status codes

Status codeMessage
200"List of audit legitimates"


  • data.audit_legitimates.legit_id string

    ID of the legitimate concerned by the operation.

  • data.audit_legitimates.action string

    Executed action.

  • data.audit_legitimates.username string

    Username of the user who performed the operation.

  • data.audit_legitimates.timestamp integer

    Date in which the operation has been performed in UNIX format (microseconds).

  • data.audit_legitimates.additional_info object

    Some operation's additional informations.