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List all transactions



GET /api/v1/transactions


  • Authorization required

    Authentication token with privileges to view the resource.

    Bearer {token}

Query string parameters

paginatebooleanYesIf the result must be paginated.
pageintegerYes if paginate is truePage index.
page_sizeintegerYes if paginate is trueNumber of items displayed per page.
timestamp_startintegerNoFilters the transactions performed after the entered date.
timestamp_endintegerNoFilters the transactions performed before the entered date.
client_address_listarray<string>NoFilters transactions whose request was made from one of the IP addresses specified in the list.
last_hop_listarray<string>NoFilters the results where the last node traversed by the client matches one of the IP addresses in the list.
server_address_listarray<string>NoFilters transactions whose request was made to one of the IP addresses specified in the list.
method_listarray<string>NoFilters transactions whose request contains one of the methods listed.
path_searchstringNoFilters transactions whose request path matches all or part of the string manually entered by the user.
protocol_version_listarray<string>NoFilters the results whose protocol_version matches one of those in the list.
status_code_listarray<integer>NoFilters transactions that contain one of the status_codes in the list.
status_code_startintegerNoFilters the results that contain a status code greater than or equal to the one entered.
status_code_endintegerNoFilters the results that contain a status code less than or equal to the one entered.
request_size_startstringNoDetermines the beginning of a range of integers to retrieve transactions whose request has a size contained in the range.
request_size_endintegerNoDetermines the end of a range of integers to retrieve transactions whose request has a size contained in the range.
response_size_startstringNoDetermines the beginning of a range of integers to retrieve transactions whose request has a size contained in the range.
response_size_endstringNoDetermines the end of a range of integers to retrieve transactions whose request has a size contained in the range.
rq_host_searchstringNoFilters transactions whose rq_host matches all or part of the string entered.
rq_host_listarray<string>NoFilters the results where rq_host matches one of the list items.
rq_user_agent_searchstringNoFilters transactions where rq_user_agent matches all or part of the string entered.
rq_referer_searchstringNoFilters transactions whose Referer header matches all or part of the string entered.
rq_authorization_searchstringNoFilters transactions where rq_authorization matches all or part of the string entered.
country_listarray<string>NoFilters transactions where country_list matches one of the list items.
as_number_listarray<integer>NoFilters transactions where as_number matches one of the list items.
traffic_source_listarray<string>NoFilters transactions where traffic_source matches one of the list items.


Status codes

Status codeDescription
200"List of transactions"
400"Error with pagination fields"
400"Error retrieving transactions."


  • string

    Permission ID.

  • data.transactions.timestamp integer

    Date and time when the transaction took place in UNIX format (microseconds).

  • data.transactions.client_address string

    Client address that performed the transaction.

  • data.transactions.last_hop_port integer

    Identifies the port of the last node traversed by the client that made the request before reaching the server.

  • data.transactions.last_hop string

    Identifies the last node traversed by the client that made the request before reaching the server.

  • data.transactions.server_address string

    Address of server that processed the transaction.

  • data.transactions.server_port integer

    Server port that received the transaction.

  • data.transactions.method string

    Transaction method.

  • data.transactions.path string

    Path to which the request was sent.

  • data.transactions.parameters array<array<string>>

    Transaction parameters.

  • data.transactions.status_code integer

    Status code of the respose to the transaction.

  • data.transactions.request_body string

    Request body.

  • data.transactions.response_body string

    Body of the response to transaction.

  • data.transactions.request_size integer

    Request dimension.

  • data.transactions.response_size integer

    Response dimension.

  • data.transactions.rq_host string

    Host that received transaction.

  • data.transactions.rq_user_agent string

    Request user agent.

  • data.transactions.rq_referer string

    Referer header in the request.

  • data.transactions.rq_cookies array<array<string>>

    Cookies attached to request.

  • data.transactions.rq_authorization string

    Authorizations attached to the request.

  • data.transactions.rq_headers object

    Request headers.

  • data.transactions.rp_headers object

    Response headers.

  • string

    Network of which the client IP address that performed request is part.

  • data.transactions.continent string

    Continent where client is located.

  • string

    Country where client is located.

  • data.transactions.state string

    State where client is located.

  • string

    City where client is located.

  • data.transactions.latitude integer

    Request dimension.

  • data.transactions.longitude integer

    Response dimension.

  • data.transactions.as_number string

    Number of the Autonomous System associated with the client that made the request.

  • data.transactions.as_organization string

    Name of the Autonomous System associated with the client that made the request.