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GET /api/v1/metrics/trends/transactions


  • Authorization required

    An authentication token with privileges to view the resource.

    Bearer {token}

Query string parameters

timestamp_startintegerNoFilters results related to a time interval after the date specified.
timestamp_endintegerNoFilters results related to a time interval before the date specified.
timezonestringNoFilters the results related to the searched timezone.
host_name_listarray<string>NoFilters the results related to the list of Hosts entered.
servicestringNoFilters the results related to the entered Domain Group.
client_addressstringNoFilters the results related to the client address entered
client_address_listarray<string>NoFilters the results related to the specified client address list.
timestamp_formatstringNoFilters the results related to the searched timestamp format.
countrystringNoFilters the results related to the country of origin entered.
country_listarray<string>NoFilters the results related to the list of countries of origin entered.


Status codes

Status codeMessage
200"List of transaction trends"
400"Error with filter fields"


  • data.transaction.datetime string

    Timestamp in a user-friendly format related to the reference time of the associated statistic.

  • data.transaction.malicious array<integer>

    List of integers representing the number of malicious transactions:

    • successful (response codes 200 to 399)
    • failed (response codes 400 to 499)
    • server errors (response codes 500 and above)
  • data.transaction.timestamp integer

    Timestamp in UNIX format (microseconds) for the reference time of the associated statistic.

  • array<integer>

    List of integers representing the number of total transactions:

    • successful (response codes 200 to 399)

    • failed (response codes 400 to 499)

    • server errors (response codes 500 and above)