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Firewall management

In response to attack attempts, Seer Box allows the creation of protection rules at the network level (IP addresses) and at the application level (HTTP protocol).

The actual enforcement of such rules is left to devices with blocking capabilities, such as network firewalls for the former, and Web Application Firewalls for the latter. Seer Box allows you to configure such destinations, translating your rules into the format expected by end devices.

Some firewall/WAF types expose an interface that allows complete control over the rules sent to it: in these cases, Seer Box will provide deep integration with the device, with real-time uploads and updates.

In cases where the firewall/WAF type does not provide a control interface, Seer Box will expose a feed of rules that the device can import in different ways, based on its own features.

See sections Network firewalls and Web application firewalls for more details.

Add a firewall

Adding a firewall is allowed only for users in the admins group or users who belong to a group with permissions related to firewall management (Handle firewalls).

From Seer Box web interface

  1. Access the Settings - Firewalls section: in this page you can view the list of already added devices. Clicking on each item will display detailed information about it.

  2. Click on the Create firewall button in the upper right corner of the page.

  3. Enter data:

    • Enable as Firewall/WAF - a switch to enable or disable the blocking device (depending on its type).
    • Firewall type - device type. See sections Network firewalls and Web application firewalls for more details.
    • Name - the name of the firewall. It must be different from existing devices.
    • Description - description useful to provide additional information about the firewall.
  4. Click on the Save button in the upper right corner of the page.

The new firewall will appear on the summary page.

Edit a firewall

Editing a firewall is allowed only for users in the admins group or users who belong to a group with permissions related to firewall management (Handle firewalls).

From Seer Box web interface

  1. Access the Settings - Firewalls section: in this page you can view the list of already added devices. Clicking on each item will display detailed information about it.

  2. Click on the Edit button with a pencil icon located on the right end of the firewall you want to edit.

  3. Edit the chosen fields.

  4. Click on the Save button in the upper right corner of the page.

Delete a firewall

Deleting a firewall is allowed only for users in the admins group or users who belong to a group with permissions related to firewall management (Handle firewalls).


Deleting a firewall is an irreversible operation: once done it is necessary to repeat the creation process to restore the item.

The operation will also remove the actions configured on Application/Network Rules associated with it.

If you want to disable the device without deleting the configuration, it is enough to modify the item by unchecking the Enable as Firewall/WAF switch.

From Seer Box web interface

  1. Access the Settings - Firewalls section: in this page you can view the list of already added devices. Clicking on each item will display detailed information about it.

  2. Select one or more firewalls to delete by clicking on the checkbox located at the left end of each item.

  3. As soon as at least one item is selected, the Delete button with a trash can icon appears in the upper right corner of the firewalls' list.

  4. Clicking this button displays a modal summarizing the operation. Click the Confirm button to confirm.