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Domain groups

To simplify asset management and the census process, Seer Box has introduced the concept of domain groups. These entities group multiple hosts based on user-defined logic.

Often the required Host header values may be numerous, and so many of them may have common characteristics that they can be managed in the same way. Domain groups allow for better organization by merging hosts. This meets the need for efficient asset management.

Domain groups management

As previously mentioned, the grouping logic is not predetermined and is left to the user's discretion. Here are some examples:

  1. Similar hosts (with differences on the top or third level domain) that expose the same application (e.g. and
  2. Hosts exposing the same application in different languages (e.g.,,
  3. Different hosts bug managed by the same CMS.
  4. Hosts with common features unrelated to the application they expose (e.g. a company owning several software could create several domain groups each bringing together all hosts of the same product).

Creating groups not only allows for a better census of them, but also enables:

  • more easily filter trends, alerts, protection rules and HTTP traffic;
  • generalize protection rules or legitimate items by associating them with multiple hosts;
  • create reports associated with multiple hosts;
  • manage user permissions related to multiple hosts.

Currently each host can only be linked to one domain group.

Create a domain group

Creating a domain group is allowed only for users in the admins group or users who belong to a group with permissions related to asset management (Handle assets).

Groups can be created in various ways, as described below.

Creating from the domain groups page

From Seer Box web interface

  1. Access the Assets - Domain groups section: in this page you can view the list of already created groups. Clicking on each item will display the list of hosts associated with it.

  2. Click on the Create domain group button in the upper right corner of the page.

  3. Enter data:

    • Domain group - group name. It must be different from existing ones.
    • Domain group description - group description. Not mandatory.
    • Hosts - list of hosts that will be part of the group.
  4. Click on the Save button in the upper right corner of the page.

The new domain group will appear on the summary page.

Creating from the hosts page

From Seer Box web interface

  1. Access the Assets - Hosts section: in this page you can view the list of hosts stored by Seer Box.

  2. Select one or more hosts by clicking on the checkbox located at the left end of each item. Two actions can be performed:

    1. Clicking on the Create domain group button will redirect you to the creation page described in step 3 of Creating from the domain groups page. The selected hosts will automatically be placed in the Hosts field.

    2. Clicking on the Create multiple groups button will create a group for each selected host, with the same name as the host it is composed of. A modal will display a summary of the process and provide an option for confirmation.

The new domain group will appear on the summary page Assets - Domain groups.

Edit a domain group

Editing a domain group is allowed only for users in the admins group or users who belong to a group with permissions related to asset management (Handle assets).

From Seer Box web interface

  1. Access the Assets - Domain groups section: in this page you can view the list of already created groups. Clicking on each item will display the list of hosts associated with it.

  2. Click on the Edit button with a pencil icon located on the right end of the group you want to edit.

  3. Edit the chosen fields.

  4. Click on the Save button in the upper right corner of the page.

Delete a domain group

Deleting a domain group is allowed only for users in the admins group or users who belong to a group with permissions related to asset management (Handle assets).


Deleting a group is an irreversible operation: once done it is necessary to repeat the creation operation to restore the item.

From Seer Box web interface

  1. Access the Assets - Domain groups section: in this page you can view the list of already created groups. Clicking on each item will display the list of hosts associated with it.

  2. Select one or more groups to delete by clicking on the checkbox located at the left end of each item.

  3. As soon as at least one item is selected, the Delete button with a trash can icon appears in the upper right corner of the groups' list.

  4. Clicking this button displays a modal summarizing the operation. Click the Confirm button to confirm.