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Legitimate Rules

As with any attack detection system, Seer Box is not infallible.

To prevent false positives, you can flag legitimate elements associated with your applications. This will prevent the system from detecting further malicious events on those elements.


Unlike Application Rules and Network Rules, Legitimate Rules are not translated or synchronized to external firewalls. Instead, they are used internally by Seer Box for matching them against alert specifications.

A Legitimate rule is composed by multiple generic fields, and it defines a set of conditions.

The list of Legitimate rules can be found on the page Protection - Legitimate Rules.

Generic fields

StatusIt indicates whether the rule is enabled or not, the user responsible for the last update and its timestamp.
IDThe UID of the rule (the first 8 characters for better readability) and, optionally, the description.
ContextIt represents the application context of the rule, whether it is the specific Host or Domain Group, or is to be applied to any of them.
Attack typeIt limits matches to alerts of the same attack type.


Condition elements have already been described on Application Rule section.

In addition to the operators defined in the Application rules, Legitimate rules also define:

OperatorComparison typeDescription
All expressions-Matches for every value of specified targes
None expression-Never match

Legitimate rule management

Legitimate Rule management is allowed to users in the admin group or to users belonging to a group having Handle rules permission associated with the group of domains to which the rule belongs.

Create a Legitimate rule

In addition to creating one or more rules from the alert detail page with the Advanced Protection function, custom rules can be created.

From Seer Box web interface

  1. Access the Protection - Legitimate rules page: in this section you can view the list of all created Legitimate rules.

  2. To create a custom rule click on the Add rule button in the upper right corner of the page.

  3. A wizard will be displayed that will allow you to create a Legitimate rule. For more details please see the Creation wizard section below.

  4. After entering the data it is possible to click on the Save rule button to confirm the creation.

The new Legitimate rule will appear on the summary page.

Creation wizard

The creation wizard is structured in multiple steps.

1. Set the Context of the rule

You can choose the application context in which you want the rule to be restricted.

Options are:

HostThe rule will be applied only to specific hosts. Selecting multiple hosts will create multiple rules.
Domain Groups (or Services)The rule will be dynamically applied to hosts belonging to the specific domain groups. Selecting multiple domain groups will create multiple rules.
All hosts and domain groupsThe rule will be applied for every host.

2. Define the Conditions

You can create multiple conditions by selecting an operator, targets and expressions.

In this case conditions will be matched against Alert specifications, allowing you to prevent a particular alert with a specific pattern from being raised again.

A rule needs at least one condition in order to be created.


If a Legitimate Rule does not specify a condition for a given specification field, it will always result in a match. See Legitimate rule n.2 in the examples below.

The only exception is made for the Target field: a Legitimate Rule will always have to set a condition on it to match the specific Alert. See Legitimate rule n.4 in the examples below.

3. Set the Attack type

You can choose to limit the Legitimate rule only to Alerts with a specific Attack Type.

In this case even if the context and all conditions match, if the Alert has a different Attack Type the rule will not match.

4. Set the description

You can add a short description to the rule to quickly identify why it was created.

Delete an Legitimate rule

From Seer Box web interface

  1. Access the Protection - Legitimate rules page: in this section you can view the list of all created Legitimate rules.

  2. Select one or more rules to delete by clicking on the checkbox located at the left end of each item.

  3. As soon as at least one record is selected, the ... button with the three dots icon will be enabled in the upper right corner of the rules' list.

  4. Select the Delete rules option. It displays a modal confirming the operation. Click on the Confirm button to proceed.


This sections shows how you can create various Legitimate rule to match against particular alert specifications.

Alert specifications

Request HostPathParameter keyTargetPayload valuelegit

Legitimate rule n.1


This rule will exactly match against every specification field.

Context ~ Host:

pathIs equal/legitimate/path
parameter_keyIs equaltest
parameter_valueIs equallegit

Legitimate rule n.2


This rule doesn't specify a context and is generalized with respect to the specific parameter key (it doesn't provide a condition for it, so it matches for every parameter key).

Context ~ All hosts and domain groups

parameter_valueStarts withlegit

Legitimate rule n.3

Not match

This rule doesn't specify a context and is generalized with respect to the specific path, but it specifies a parameter key that doesn't match against alert specifications.

Context ~ All hosts and domain groups

parameter_keyMatch charsetDigits
parameter_valueIs equallegit

Legitimate rule n.4

Not match

This rule doesn't specify a condition on the Alert Specification Target field, so even if the context and other conditions match the rule will not match.

Context ~ All hosts and domain groups

parameter_keyIs equaltest